Price List

Prices subject to change


21€ vaccination fee included


price in €

Boostrix (Diphterie, Tetanus, Pertussis)   38,00
Diphterie Tetanus   30,00
Chickenpocks   84,00 (2 vaccinces necessary)
HPV (with pre-registration only)   226,00
Influenza, Vaxigrip   35,00
Herpes Zoster   262,00
Hep B, adults, ENGERIX   56,00
Hep A, adults, HAVRIX   59,00
Hep A, children   46,00
Hepatits A + B, TWINRIX, adults   108,00
Hepatits A + B, TWINRIX, children   65,00
Vaccination consultation (National/International/Travel)   35,00 - 45,00
Japanese encephalitis   151,00
Polio   36,00
Measals, Mumps, Rubella(MMR)   42,00
Meningococco   ab 87,00 (dependent on vaccine)
REPEVAX, Diphterie-, Tetanus, Poliomylitis, Pertussis   55,00
REVAXIS, Diphterie-, Tetanus, Poliomylitis   48,00
Pneumococcs   as of 55,00 bis  118,00 (dependent on age)
Rabies   121,00
Typhus   46,00
Ticks adults / FSME   51,00
Ticks children/ FSME   47,00

Dear patients,

the price list is displayed for orientation purposes only. Prices may vary due to manifold reasons we therefore ask you to verify with our assistants. 

general services



24h blood pressure monitoring   66,00
Bloodletting   110,00
Acupuncture initial treatment   110,00
Acupuncture single/follow up treatment   77,00
Acupuncture block of 10 (incl. initial treatment)   627,00
Detailed medical certificate   110,00
Detailed medical test report   110,00
Medical certificate small (administrative fee)   35,00
Diagnostics finding report small   35,00
Blood draw   16,50
Complete blood count   27,50
Complete blood count with various lab parameters   203,50
Nutritional counselling, body analysis   110,00
ECG, 12 leads   66,00
Initial consultation   110,00
Initial consultation with examination and/or diagnostics finding/counselling   154,00
Follow-up consultation   77,00
Initial consultation with detailed examination, therapy   154,00
Helicobacter test   49,50
Hypnotherapy / medical hypnosis   from 88,00
Lung function test   82,50
Ear piercing   66,00
Patient`s provision   110,00
ProNutri (food intolerances test)   145,00
Troponin T test   35,00



prices in € (incl. 10% vat)

Dr. Walzel, Benedikt
Dr. Gallmetzer, Paolo   upon request
Dr. Bülau, Alexander   from 121,00
Dr. Molnár, Attila   upon request
Dr. Molnár, Wolfgang   upon request and according to general services price list
Dr. Molnár, Ivana   upon request and hypnosis & general services price list


including 20 € vaccination fee   prices in €
Boostrix (diphteria, tetanus, pertussis)   37,00
Diphterie, Tetanus   18,00
Chickenpox   75,00 (2 dosages needed)
HPV (human pappiloma virus/cervical virus), upon request   226,00
Influenza, Varilix   35,00
Herpes Zoster   227,00
Hep B, adults, ENGERIX   55,00
Hep A, adults   59,00
Hep A, children   46,00
Hepatits A + B, TWINRIX, adults   99,00
Hep A + B, TWINRIX, children   58,00
Vaccination consultation   35,00
Japanese encephalitis   152,00
Polio   37,00
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)   43,00
Meningococcal    as of 87,00 / depending on vaccine
REPEVAX, diptheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis   55,00
REVAXIS, diptheria-, tetanus, polio   42,00
Pneumococcal   ab 54,00 bis  118,00 / age dependent
Rabies   115,00
Typhus   46,00
Ticks / FSME / adults   60,00
Ticks / FSME / children   57,00